XMaps In-Game HUD Menu

XMaps supports an in-game HUD Menu that you can use to switch game types, pick a map from any of your lists - Favourites or Extended - for any game type, or change XMaps' Map Selection on the fly. You can also add the map that's currently playing to your Favourites or any suitable Extended map list, and change most of XMaps options while UT is running.

Since the menus can hold a lot of options, the scroll buttons move the menus by a page at a time. A left-click on a scroll button moves its menu by a page, and a right-click moves it by a single item.

To use the HUD Menu in multiplayer games, you must be logged into UT as an Administrator. XMaps can do this for you if you use the Client Setup window. If you don't use the Client Setup window you'll have to log in manually using the adminlogin console command before you can open the HUD Menu. If you're running a server and want to control the way the Client Setup window automates admin login, check out the Server Options - Access window.

Opening and Closing the HUD Menu

To open the HUD Menu, use the key binding that you've assigned using the Client Setup window. The key bindings can also be set up using UT's Preferences - see Key bindings for more information.

When the HUD Menu opens, it will pause the current game if you have configured it to do so (in the Setup window, or by using the XMaps Options in the HUD Menu itself) so that you can browse the menu without worrying about getting killed ;-)

Use the Escape key or the Close option (at the top level of the menu) to close it.

Main Menu
Skip MapSkips to the next map in your XMaps settings.
Replay MapRestarts the current game to replay the current map.
Current Map ListShows the contents of your Extended map list for the current game type. Pick any map from the list, and XMaps will load it. You can also add the current map to the list.
FavouritesShows the contents of your Favourites for the current game type. Pick a map from the list, and XMaps will load it. You can also add the current map to your Favourites here.
Matching Map ListsShows the names of all of your Extended map lists for the current game type, in alphabetical order. Pick one, and the contents of the map list will be displayed. Pick any map from the list, and XMaps will load it. You can also add the current map to any of the lists, and get XMaps to switch to any of the lists (to change the running Extended map list).
Game TypesShows all the game types XMaps knows about from your UT installation (see Game Types for more information). Pick one to get to the Game Type menu.
Maps InstalledAllows access to all of the maps installed in UT, by Game Type. Pick a Game Type and then a map from those available, and XMaps will load the Game Type and map selected. Note that, when using XMaps on a server, you may need to increase the HUD Command Timeout to allow the server to find all the map names. Only available when Game Override is off (see XMaps Options below).
Game OverrideLoads any map installed in UT into the current game type. Using this feature may create an unplayable game (an Assault map in a Capture the Flag game wouldn't work - there wouldn't be any flags in the map) but can be used to, for example, play Deathmatch in any map. The Game Override menu shows each game type that has a unique map prefix; each of these sub-menus then shows all installed maps with that prefix. Pick a map, and XMaps will load it into the current game type. Note that, when using XMaps on a server, you may need to increase the HUD Command Timeout to allow the server to find all the map names. Only available when Game Override is on (see XMaps Options below).
PlayersOpens the Players menu.
MutatorsOpens the Mutators menu.
XMaps OptionsOpens the XMaps Options menu.
UT RulesOpens the UT Rules menu.

Game Type Menu
Switch to...Using this option will make XMaps switch to the selected game type; XMaps will pick the next map from your XMaps settings for the new game type and load it.
<Map Lists>XMaps shows the names of all the Extended map lists for the game type selected, in alphabetical order. Pick one, and the contents of the map list will be displayed. Pick any map from the list, and XMaps will switch to the correct game type and load the map you selected.

Players Menu
Set TotalThis option is only available in stand-alone games. Use this option to set the total number of players in the current game; XMaps will add or remove the appropriate number of bots to match your selection. The current number of players is indicated in the menu with an '(x)'. In Team games, XMaps will offer the number of players 'per team'.
Set MinimumThis option is only available in multiplayer games. Use this option to set the minimum number of players in the current game; XMaps will add or remove the appropriate number of bots to match your selection, if necessary. The current number of players is indicated in the menu with an '(x)'. In Team games, XMaps will offer the number of players 'per team'.
Add BotSelect a bot by name from the sub-menu, and XMaps will add that bot to the current game.
Remove BotSelect a bot by name from the sub-menu, and XMaps will remove that bot from the current game.
Replace BotSelect the bot to be replaced from the sub-menu, and then the bot to replace it with from the next sub-menu. The bot that gets added to the game will 'inherit' the deaths and kills of the bot it replaces.

Mutators Menu

The Mutators Menu lists all of your UT Mutators (apart from XMaps); any Mutators that are currently loaded are marked with an '(x)'. Click any item in the menu to open the Mutators control menu:

Add to Map ListThe HUD Menu will list your Extended map lists that are not configured to use the selected Mutator. Click a map list name and XMaps will add the selected Mutator to that list.
Remove from Map ListThe HUD Menu will list your Extended map lists that use the selected Mutator. Click a map list name and XMaps will remove the selected Mutator from that list.
Add to Game TypeThe HUD Menu will list all the Game Types that are not configured to use the selected Mutator. Click a Game Type and XMaps will add the selected Mutator to the list for it.
Remove from Game TypeThe HUD Menu will list all the Game Types that are configured to use the selected Mutator. Click a Game Type and XMaps will remove the selected Mutator from the list for it.

Note that, when you use the Mutators Menu to change your Map List and Game Type Mutators, the changes will take effect the next time the Map List is used or the Game Type is loaded.

XMaps Options Menu
Access LevelAllows you to change the Access Level setting for a server, and review the Client List. Only available in multiplayer games.
Game OverrideTurn the Game Override feature on or off. When Game Override is on, you can load any map installed in UT into the current game type.
Large HUD FontMake XMaps use a large font in the HUD Menu. This takes effect the next time you open the HUD Menu.
Map selectionAllows you to change the Map Selection mode that XMaps is currently running in. This takes effect immediately so the next map selected will be picked according to the mode you select. The current mode is identified by an (x) to it's left in the menu.
Match playersTurn Player Matching on or off. If Match players is on, you'll also be offered the Range matching sub-menu. This takes effect immediately, so the next map that gets loaded will use the new setting (on or off).
Pause for HUDTurn game pausing for the HUD Menu on or off.
Reload first mapSwitch Reload first map on or off.
Skip failed mapsSwitch Skip failed maps on or off. When this is on, XMaps will automatically skip a map that fails to load (due to, for example, missing textures).
Sort map listsSort the HUD's map lists in either name order or playing order. The playing order is the order in which the maps would be played when XMaps is running in 'Extended Map List, in order' map selection mode.
Switch game typesTurn Game Switching on or off.
Use FavouritesTurn Use Favourites on or off.
Client SetupOpen the Client Setup window. Only available in multiplayer games, when the client is not running on the same machine as the server.

As you may notice, most of these XMaps Options are simply another way of setting all the options from the XMaps Setup window.

UT Rules Menu
Frag LimitFrag Limit allows you to change the Frag Limit of a game, while it's running. Frag Limit is not available in Assault games. The change is immediate.
Capture LimitCapture Limit allows you to change the Capture Limit of a Capture the Flag game while it's running. This is only available in CTF games. The change is immediate.
Score LimitScore Limit allows you to change the Team Score Limit of a Domination game while it's running. This is only available in Domination games. The change is immediate.
Time LimitTime Limit allows you to change the Time Limit of a game while it's running. This is not available in Assault games, and once a game has started, the Time Limit cannot be changed from a non-zero value to zero. The change is immediate.
TranslocatorsTranslocators allows you to switch Translocators on or off during the current game. When you turn Translocators off, they are removed from all players' inventories, and any spawned Translocators are removed from the current level. Any Translocators currently held by players are dropped. When you turn Translocators on, a Translocator is added to each player's inventory.
Force RespawnForce Respawn allows you to switch ForceRespawn on or off during the current game. This option is only available during multiplayer non-Last Man Standing games.