Getting XMaps Remote Control to Run in UnrealTournament

There are a few things you need to do to get XMaps Remote Control running on your server; they're described below. Once you're logged in to XMaps Remote Control, check the Using page for a brief overview of its use.

Adding XMaps Remote Control to your UT Web Applications

UnrealTournament uses a section of your server's INI file (usually UnrealTournament.ini) to list it's web applications. Unfortunately I haven't found a way to get the umod installer to set this up, so it has to be done manually. Open your server's INI file and search for a section entitled '[UWeb.WebServer]'. It should look something like this:


To add XMaps Remote Control, look for the first empty slot (in the example above, it's Applications[2]), and add the following text to Applications[2] and ApplicationPaths[2]:


Obviously, changes the [2] to the first slot in your file that has no entry. To get UT to support the web applications, you need to enable its Web Server.

Enabling the UT Web Server

The simplest way to enable the UT Web Server is to set bEnabled True, once again in the [UWeb.WebServer] section of your server's INI file. You can see the entry in the sample section above. Epic's Jack Porter has more to say on the subject in the Remote Administration section of this page; he also describes how to change the default port of your UT Web Server, and mentions the problems running the UT Web Server under Windows 2000 (a solution for which can be found in the news section of The Admin Page).

Finding your Server Admin Username and Password

If you've used UnrealTournament's remote admin features before, you will have set a username and password. If you haven't, they will be set to default values and you should change them before running your server.

Open up your server's INI file once again, and look for the section named '[UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin]'. In a new installation, it should look something like this:


Change the the username and password to your desired values, and you're ready to go. XMaps Remote Control uses the same username and password as your remote admin, because it uses the UT image server.

Connecting to XMaps Remote Control

Once you've set up the web applications and enabled the web server, run your UnrealTournament server as usual, making sure that XMaps is running. (This is described in detail in the XMaps documentation, which is installed with XMaps and can be viewed online here.)

Once the server is running, you need to open up your browser and enter the following URL:

replacing with your server's IP address. If your server's host name can be resolved, you could use that insteed. If you're reading this on the same machine that your UT server is running on, and the web server is running on it's default port, you can click here to connect automatically.

When you connect, you'll get a Network Password dialog; enter the UT server admin username and password fromabove, and you're into XMaps Remote Control. If a problem occurs with login that XMaps Remote Control can determine - for example, XMaps isn't running on the server - then it will be reported in the 'Realm' area of the Network Password dialog.