Contents of INI Files   

Note that while each of the server-side INI files has an [XMaps.Install] section, which records the version of XMaps installed against a Version key, XMapsClient232.ini does not.

[Click here to open the table in a new window]


Section Key Description
[XMapsClient232.XMapsCSClient] AutoAdminLogin The Automatic login setting from the Client Setup window. Values:
True = Attempt automatic admin login
False = Don't attempt automatic admin login
AutoOpenNetwork The Always open (multiplayer) setting from the Client Setup window. Values:
True = Always open the Client Setup window at the start of a level, in multiplayer games
False = Don't open the Client Setup window at the start of a level, in multiplayer games
AutoOpenLocal The Always open (standalone) setting from the Client Setup window. Values:
True = Always open the Client Setup window at the start of a level, in standalone games
False = Don't open the Client Setup window at the start of a level, in standalone games
SortMapLists The 'Sort map lists - in name order' option from the HUD Menu. Values:
True = Sort map lists by name in the HUD Menu
False = Sort map lists in playing order in the HUD Menu
[XMapsClient232.XMapsCSPasswords] Server[0..63] These are the servers that the XMaps Client has connected to.
Password[0..63] These are the passwords you have entered for the servers in the Server[] list (above). These are only stored by XMaps if the administrator running the server allows you to.