----------------------------- XMaps2K Beta 4 - Requirements ----------------------------- XMaps2K can only run on retail UT2003 with at least patch 2186, although Beta 4 has been built with patch 2199. The latest patch should be available from: http://www.unrealtournament2003.com ---------------------------------------- XMaps2K Beta 4 - Installation (Everyone) ---------------------------------------- To install XMaps2K, dump XMaps2K.u, XMaps2K.int and XMaps2KClient-004.u into your UT2003\System directory. Note that, if you replace XMaps2K with a later version, you can safely remove the old client file (XMaps2KClient-???.u) from your UT2003 installation. --------------------------------------- XMaps2K Beta 4 - Installation (Servers) --------------------------------------- If you plan to run XMaps2K as part of a UT2003 server, open your game's INI file (usually UT2003.ini) and add the following line to the [Engine.GameEngine] section: ServerPackages=XMaps2KClient-004 The XMaps2K client package uses a simple version numbering system - any versions under 100 are beta. If you replace XMaps2K with a later version, you need to REPLACE the ServerPackages line for the old client with the one above. Clients do not need to remove earlier versions; your server will send them the latest client package and this will prevent any version mismatch. Note that you do NOT need a ServerPackages entry for the XMaps2K package, and all settings are stored in such a way that they'll work between different version. XMaps2KClient-004.u.uz2, the compressed version, is provided for those servers that want to support file redirection. ------------------------ XMaps2K Beta 4 - Running ------------------------ Unlike XMaps, XMaps2K is a set of mutators that all do different jobs. To load any of the XMaps2K mutators, either launch a game from UT2003 adding the XMaps2K mutators you want using the menu options, or add the mutators to your UT2003 command line. For example: C:\UT2003\System\UT2003.exe BR-IceFields.ut2?Mutator=XMaps2K.Warp,XGame.MutHeliumCorpses for a standalone game, or C:\UT2003\System\ucc.exe server BR-IceFields?Game=XGame.xDeathMatch?mutator=XMaps2K.Warp ini=server.ini -log=server.log for a dedicated server. You can always add any other mutators you like using the Warp mutator... ---------------------------------- XMaps2K Beta 4 - Mutators Included ---------------------------------- Warp - XMaps Warp supports a mid-game menu that allows you to load any map in any game type. When you connect to a server running XMaps Warp, you will be assigned a key to open the Warp menu (unless the server has disabled this feature or you already have one). The key will be reported in your HUD messages area when the match starts. If you lose your key, or don't have one assigned, drop down the console or mini-console and type "mutate xmaps warpmenu" to get the menu up. If you have XMaps2K installed locally, you can also set the Warp key using the Controls tab from the UT2003 main menu. The Warp menu is pretty self explanatory, and the Setup button allows you to change options for the way the Warp mutator works, set your Warp key, and set rules for the game you start the next time you hit the Warp button. There is NO server-side configuration necessary; it's all done using the Warp menu on the client. Command line name: XMaps2K.Warp ---------------------------------- XMaps2K Beta 4 - Important Changes ---------------------------------- While XMaps2K is in beta, package names and settings can change between versions. This section of the Readme file describes any important changes between beta versions, and things you might need to do to make this version work correctly. Beta 3 -> Beta 4: o The menu closure code in UT2003 Patch 2199 was changed; Beta 4 copes with that change, but is backwards-compatible with the 2186 patch. Beta 2 -> Beta 3: o Key bindings can now be set using the Controls tab in the main UT2003 menu when XMaps2K is installed on your own PC. This option isn't available if XMaps2K isn't installed on your own PC. o Beta 3 uses features only available from patch 2186. You must have patch 2186 (or later) installed for XMaps2K to work. -------------------------- XMaps2K Beta 4 - Apologies -------------------------- I'm still working on XMaps2K, and this is just a beta release ... Warp is the only feature that's even close to complete. This file is a pretty lousy excuse for documentation, but that'll change when I get XMaps2K to a state that's suitable for general release. As will the installer (when I work out ut2mod files)... Any comments or feedback, please mail me - touchstone@gweb.me.uk. Since XMaps2K is still in the beta phase, any additional options you'd like to see can still be incorporated; just let me know. The XMaps web site will have some information about XMaps2K when I get around to writing it... ----------------------------- (c) TouchStone, February 2003 -----------------------------