Legal Bit

UnrealTournament ©1999 Epic Megagames, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed by GT Interactive Software, Inc. under license. UnrealTournament and the UnrealTournament logo are registered trademarks of Epic Megagames, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.

All of the contents of this package are created and owned by TouchStone. You are allowed to use, copy or modify the code, on the condition that no profit is made from the distribution of the resulting package(s).

Any distribution of XMaps Remote Control other than free, publically available download by electronic transmission must have my express permission. You are expressly forbidden to charge for distribution of XMaps Remote Control in any manner whatsoever.

If you copy or modify the code, or any part of it, please email me, and give me some credit for the hours spent sweating over an ash-stained keyboard 8~)